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LPP Indonesian

National Language — Indonesian

First Edition in Indonesian

Pangeran Kecil, 1979. This is the first Indonesian translation of Le Petit Prince, published by Pustaka Jaya in 1979. The translation started when an author, Wing Karjo, asked his students to make a project to translate Le Petit Prince into Indonesian language.

The blue box mentioned that this book “Belongs to the Ministry of Education and Culture. Not for Sale. Presidential Order No 6/1980.”

It is extremely difficult to find this book, even in Indonesia. I found this one in a flea book market of Palasari, in Bandung city. I consider this book too valuable, so I read it only once. So I read Le Petit Prince more in english and french editions.

Standard Editions

Le Petit Prince – Pangeran Kecil, 2003. And Le Petit Prince – Pangeran Cilik, 2007. Two translations by Gramedia. Like many Gramedia translation book, the book title is kept in its original language, subtitled by the Indonesian translation of the title.

Special Collector Editions

Si Pangeran Kecil, 2013. Experiencing the difficulty to find an Indonesian translation, I started to translate the book myself. This translation was written to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the publication of Le Petit Prince. I wrote this translation while travelling to some Indonesian cities, including Makassar, Semarang, Palembang, Denpasar, Bandung, and Jakarta. The source of the translation was a text in french, found in Australian Gutenberg project website.

I found a local publisher willing to publish this book. But the progress was awfully slow. Then I decided to self-published it via Lulu, so any LPP lovers can buy it directly from Lulu with virtually no constraints.

In 2018, this book was republished with standardised illustration throughout the book (drawing location etc).

Ancient Languages

Netherland Indies

Sang Pangeran Ketjil, 2014. I rewrote Si Pangeran Kecil into an old Indonesian style. This books uses old idioms and old spelling system, called Van Ophuijsen orthography, used in Indonesia when this country was called Hindia Belanda, under Dutch administration, before 1942.


Original Language

Le Petit Prince, 1950. in French and some Dutch annotation, was published in Groningen and Jakarta, 1950. I could not get more information, including whether this particular edition was printed / published in Groningen or Jakarta.


Regional Languages


Prabu Anom — in Sundanese, a language spoken by more than 30 million people in West Java province in Indonesia. This edition is translated by Syauqi Stya Lacksana. Written in both Sundanese character and latin letter, this first edition (above) is not for sale. It is only distributed freely for selected school and libraries in West Java, and strictly prohibited for redistribution outside Indonesia. The teams, however, have prepared the second edition (below), with different cover, to be distributed more flexibly.


    1 Comment

  1. Where can I buy Sang Pangeran Ketjil?

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